public class Coordinate : INotifyPropertyChanged
Coordinate | Creates a Coordinate object with default values. |
Coordinate(EagerLoad) | Creates an empty Coordinates object with specified eager loading options. |
Coordinate(Double, Double) | Creates a populated Coordinate based on signed degrees formated latitude and longitude. |
Coordinate(Double, Double, EagerLoad) | Creates a populated Coordinate object with specified eager loading options. |
Coordinate(Double, Double, DateTime) | Creates a populated Coordinate object with an assigned GeoDate. |
Coordinate(Double, Double, DateTime, EagerLoad) | Creates a populated Coordinate object with specified eager load options and an assigned GeoDate. |
Cartesian | Cartesian (based on spherical earth). |
CelestialInfo | Celestial information based on the objects location and geographic UTC date. |
Display | Bindable formatted coordinate string. |
EagerLoadSettings | Eagerloading settings. |
Earth Centered Earth Fixed Coordinate.
Uses Ellipsoidal height with no geoid model included.
GeoHeight at 0 = Mean Sea Level based on the provided Datum.
Equatorial_Radius | Equatorial Radius of Earth (Default WGS84) |
FormatOptions | Coordinate string formatting options. |
GeoDate | Date at coordinate used to calculate celestial information. |
GEOREF | GEOREF values. |
Inverse_Flattening | Inverse Flattening of Earth (Default WGS84) |
Latitude | Latitudinal Coordinate Part. |
Longitude | Longitudinal Coordinate Part. |
MGRS | Military Grid Reference System (NATO UTM) values. |
Offset | GeoDate UTC Offset. This must be set if working / eager loading in local time. |
Parse_Format | Used to determine what format the coordinate was parsed from. Will equal "None" if Coordinate was not initialized via a TryParse() method. |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator values. |
WebMercator | Web Mercator EPSG:3857 values. |
Celestial_LocalTime | Returns a new Celestial object in local time, based on the Coordinate objects values. |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
Get_Distance_From_Coordinate(Coordinate) | Returns the distance from a target coordinate using spherical earth calculations. Use overload if ellipsoidal calculations are desired. |
Get_Distance_From_Coordinate(Coordinate, Shape) | Returns the distance from a target coordinate. |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
LoadCartesianInfo | Load Cartesian information (required if eager loading is turned off). |
LoadCelestialInfo | Load celestial information (required if eager loading is turned off). |
LoadECEFInfo | Load ECEF information (required if eager loading is turned off). |
LoadGEOREFInfo | Load GEOREF information (required if eager loading is turned off). |
LoadUTM_MGRS_Info | Load UTM and MGRS information (required if eager loading is turned off). |
LoadWebMercatorInfo | Load Web Mercator EPSG:3857 information (required if eager loading is turned off). |
Lock_UTM_MGRS_Zone | Locks converted UTM and MGRS longitudinal grid zones to the specified zone number. This will allow over-projection and allow users to remain in a single desired zone. This should be used with caution as precision loss will occur. |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
Move(Coordinate, Distance, Shape) | Move a coordinate a specified distance towards a target coordinate. |
Move(Coordinate, Double, Shape) | Move a coordinate a specified distance (in meters) towards a target coordinate. |
Move(Distance, Double, Shape) | Move coordinate based on provided bearing and distance (in meters). |
Move(Double, Double, Shape) | Move coordinate based on provided bearing and distance (in meters). |
NotifyPropertyChanged | Notify property changed |
Parse(String) | Parses a string into a Coordinate. |
Parse(String, Allowed_Parse_Format) | Parses a string into a Coordinate. |
Parse(String, CartesianType) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with a specified Cartesian system type. |
Parse(String, EagerLoad) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with specified eager loading settings. |
Parse(String, DateTime) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with specified date. |
Parse(String, CartesianType, Allowed_Parse_Format) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with a specified Cartesian system type. |
Parse(String, CartesianType, EagerLoad) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with a specified Cartesian system type and eager loading settings. |
Parse(String, EagerLoad, Allowed_Parse_Format) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with specified eager loading settings. |
Parse(String, DateTime, Allowed_Parse_Format) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with specified date. |
Parse(String, DateTime, CartesianType) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with specified DateTime and Cartesian system type. |
Parse(String, DateTime, EagerLoad) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with a specified date and eager loading settings. |
Parse(String, CartesianType, EagerLoad, Allowed_Parse_Format) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with a specified Cartesian system type and eager loading settings. |
Parse(String, DateTime, CartesianType, Allowed_Parse_Format) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with specified DateTime and Cartesian system type. |
Parse(String, DateTime, CartesianType, EagerLoad) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with a specified date, Cartesian system type and eager loading settings. |
Parse(String, DateTime, EagerLoad, Allowed_Parse_Format) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with a specified date and eager loading settings. |
Parse(String, DateTime, CartesianType, EagerLoad, Allowed_Parse_Format) | Parses a string into a Coordinate with a specified date, Cartesian system type and eager loading settings. |
Set_Datum(Earth_Ellipsoid_Spec) | Set a custom datum for coordinate conversions and distance calculation. Objects must be loaded prior to setting if EagerLoading is turned off or else the items Datum won't be set. Use overload if EagerLoading options are used. |
Set_Datum(Double, Double) | Set a custom datum for coordinate conversions and distance calculation. Objects must be loaded prior to setting if EagerLoading is turned off or else the items Datum won't be set. Use overload if EagerLoading options are used. |
Set_Datum(Earth_Ellipsoid_Spec, Coordinate_Datum) | Set a custom datum for coordinate conversions and distance calculation for specified coordinate formats only. Objects must be loaded prior to setting if EagerLoading is turned off. |
Set_Datum(Double, Double, Coordinate_Datum) | Set a custom datum for coordinate conversions and distance calculation for specified coordinate formats only. Objects must be loaded prior to setting if EagerLoading is turned off. |
ToString |
A string formatted and represented coordinate.
(Overrides ObjectToString) |
ToString(CoordinateFormatOptions) | A string formatted and represented coordinate. |
TryParse(String, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate. |
TryParse(String, Allowed_Parse_Format, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate. |
TryParse(String, CartesianType, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with a specified Cartesian system type. |
TryParse(String, EagerLoad, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with specified eager loading settings. |
TryParse(String, DateTime, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with specified date. |
TryParse(String, CartesianType, Allowed_Parse_Format, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with a specified Cartesian system type. |
TryParse(String, CartesianType, EagerLoad, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with a specified Cartesian system type and eager loading settings. |
TryParse(String, EagerLoad, Allowed_Parse_Format, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with specified eager loading settings. |
TryParse(String, DateTime, Allowed_Parse_Format, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with specified date. |
TryParse(String, DateTime, CartesianType, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with specified DateTime and Cartesian system type |
TryParse(String, DateTime, EagerLoad, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with a specified date and eager loading settings. |
TryParse(String, CartesianType, EagerLoad, Allowed_Parse_Format, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with a specified Cartesian system type and eager loading settings. |
TryParse(String, DateTime, CartesianType, Allowed_Parse_Format, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with specified DateTime and Cartesian system type |
TryParse(String, DateTime, CartesianType, EagerLoad, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with a specified date, Cartesian system type and eager loading settings. |
TryParse(String, DateTime, EagerLoad, Allowed_Parse_Format, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with a specified date and eager loading settings. |
TryParse(String, DateTime, CartesianType, EagerLoad, Allowed_Parse_Format, Coordinate) | Attempts to parse a string into a Coordinate with a specified date, Cartesian system type and eager loading settings. |
Unlock_UTM_MGRS_Zone | Unlocks converted UTM and MRGS longitudinal grid zones from the specified zone number. This will return UTM and MGRS conversions to normal projection. |
CoordinateChanged | Event handler that triggers when changes to the Coordinate occur. Can be subscribed to run logic after a Coordinate has "changed" (location, DateTime, UTC offset or datum). |
PropertyChanged | Property changed event |
GetMagnetic |
Creates a Magnetic object from a Coordinate with the latest data model. Assumes height is at MSL.
(Defined by MagneticExtensions) |
GetMagnetic |
Creates a Magnetic object from a Coordinate and a provided data model. Assumes height is at MSL.
(Defined by MagneticExtensions) |
GetMagnetic |
Creates a Magnetic object from a Coordinate with a specified height above MSL using the latest data model.
(Defined by MagneticExtensions) |
GetMagnetic |
Creates a Magnetic object from a Coordinate with a specified height in meters above MSL using the latest data model.
(Defined by MagneticExtensions) |
GetMagnetic |
Creates a Magnetic object from a Coordinate with a specified height above MSL and a provided data model.
(Defined by MagneticExtensions) |
GetMagnetic |
Creates a Magnetic object from a Coordinate with a specified height in meters above MSL and a provided data model.
(Defined by MagneticExtensions) |