Celestial Properties


AdditionalSolarTimes Additional solar event times based on the provided date and location.
AlmanacMoonName Farmers Almanac moon names
Apogee Moons apogee details based on the provided date.
AstrologicalSigns Astrological signs based on the provided date.
DaySpan Daylight time span for date and location.
Equinoxes Get equinox values based on provided year.
IsMoonUp Determine if the moon is currently up, based on moon set and moon rise time at the provided location and date.
IsSunUp Determine if the sun is currently up, based on sunset and sunrise time at the provided location and date.
LunarCoordinates Lunar Coordinates.
LunarEclipse Lunar eclipse details.
MoonAltitude Moon altitude in degrees (E of N) (corrected for parallax and refraction).
MoonAzimuth Moon azimuth in degrees (E of N).
MoonCondition Moon's condition based on the provided date.
MoonDistance Estimated moon distance from the earth.
MoonIllum Moon illumination details based on the provided date.
MoonRise Moon rise time.
MoonSet Moon set time.
NightSpan Night time span for date and location.
Perigee Moons perigee details based on the provided date.
SolarCoordinates Solar Coordinates.
SolarEclipse Solar eclipse details.
SolarNoon Solar noon time.
Solstices Get solstice values based on provided year.
SunAltitude Sun altitude in degrees (E of N).
SunAzimuth Sun azimuth in degrees (E of N).
SunCondition Sun's Condition based on the provided date.
SunRise Sunrise time.
SunSet Sunset time.

See Also